Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bilberry Bushes / Plants For Sale UK

Wild Bilberry

Bilberry bushes / plants for sale in the UK. There are many ways to get your daily dose of Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus). You can drink some juice, eat some dried bilberries, or have some tasty jams / preserves on your toast or cereal. But if you want to be a bit more hands on, and want to know first hand where your Bilberries have come from, what better way than to grow your own Bilberry bushes / Shrubs. 

Buy: Bilberry Seeds | Bilberry Plants / Bushes

Well actually, while it is nice to actually own one or more of these plants, if you want to obtain a decent amount of berries it really does make more sense to just buy them from somewhere else. This is because one bush won't supply that many Bilberries. People who buy these bushes to grow at home usually purchase 5 - 10+ bushes in order to reap a decent harvest when the time comes around to pick the berries. Furthermore, like other fruits, they are seasonal. So if you want them today, or in the next month, it's not going to happen. But when the date for harvesting does come around, it will be very rewarding to pick and eat berries that you have grown in your own garden.

In some areas of the UK Bilberry shrubs do grow wild, so for the most part, growing Bilberry bushes in your garden should result in all the plants actually bearing some fruit. Note: They love / prefer soil with high acid content. They also require little to no maintenance, which is great if your the type of person who wants to plant the shrubs in the ground and let nature take its course. Fancy yourself as a bit of a hiker who has a strong lower back? You could always just travel to one of the locations in the UK where Bilberries are growing wild (September time) and pick a whole container full to take home. The choice is yours.

So, where can they be found for sale. Well, firstly you have to decide, do you want to buy seeds and start them from the beginning, or would you prefer to buy them as young plants that are already rooted and growing. The easiest but more expensive option is to buy them as young plants, this way all you have to do is leave them potted for a while until they get their vigour back (from being packaged and posted through the postal system), and then either leave them potted until they grow big enough to be planted outside when the frost passes, or re-pot (preferably using ericaceous compost) into bigger containers and leave them as potted plants / shrubs.

Where to buy. They can be found for sale as seeds and small plants on various online outlets and garden centres. eBay is a great place to pick up the seeds for very cheap. And almost equally as good for purchasing young plants, too. However, don't forget about Amazon. As well as seeds, they also have a good little selection of sellers who have small shrubs for sale. And their review feedback is mostly excellent.

One seller well worth considering is Lubera. They have Bilberry Sylvana plants for sale and have great feedback from past customers. They are not cheap though, and you may need at least a few plants for it to be worth your while if your intention is to get enough fruit to be able eat / cook with, so be sure you want to grow your own before committing to purchase.

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